June 20, 2024
1 mins read

How NUHS transformed its contact centre operations to improve efficiency and user experience

June 20, 2024
1 mins read
Nora Huin Nora Huin
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One of three public healthcare clusters in Singapore, the National University Health System (NUHS) consists of 3 Acute Hospitals, 3 National Centres, 2 Community Hospitals, 7 Polyclinics, 3 Medical Schools, Family Medicine Clinics and Primary Care Networks. With such an extensive network, it’s critical to ensure a seamless user experience across all institutions. 

Thus began their transformation journey to integrate 4 separate call centres into a single platform. Find out how NUHS went from paper notes and Excel to a powerful omnichannel platform that not only transformed their operations, but enabled them to reduce their Call Abandonment Rate from a peak of 40% to under 3% consistently.

Want to transform your contact centre operations?

We can help review and optimise your operations with the right technology, just as we did for NUHS.