Take a deep dive across all your touchpoints

Frustrated with unexplained customer drop-offs? Experience Activeo APAC’s in-depth consulting expertise as we take a deep dive across all your touchpoints, revealing your customers’ motivations and illuminating your path to success.


No two customer journeys are ever the same

Let our seasoned CX experts help you decipher the unique customer paths that maximise engagement and satisfaction, so that you get the full picture of what your customers are going through.  

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Map out an end-to-end journey to identify the present state and future states across CX touchpoints.
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Identify gaps and develop a shared vision embracing customers’ expectations and business imperatives.
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Leverage customer data to continuously improve customer experiences and drive business value.

More than 150 customers and counting

With a track record of supporting over 150 customers, and more than 300 projects delivered for 19 government agencies and 65 percent of national healthcare institutions in Singapore, we have established ourselves as a trusted partner for organisations seeking to understand customers’ motivation, behaviours and key moments of truth.


A partner of LimeBridge, champions of customer experience

With the Internet, social media and mobile access, gone are the days when you could tell your customers what is best for them. As a partner of the LimeBridge global alliance specialising in customer experience and contact management, we’ve adapted their proven “Me2B” and “Best Service is No Service” approaches to create powerful, impactful moments in the customer journey.

Ready to transform your  customer journey?

Ready to transform your customer journey?

Partner with us to leverage our proven methodology, identify key improvements to make, and build a superior customer experience.