July 24, 2023
2 mins read

What Does it Take to “Make Things Easy” for Your Customers?

July 24, 2023
2 mins read
Rosaline Oh Rosaline Oh
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Providing customers with seamless and enjoyable support experience is important in terms of serving customers effectively and distinguishing companies’ brand from competition.

Unfortunately, there’s still a wide gap between aspiring to seamless customer experience (CX) and actually achieving it.

Here’s a typical example of what disjointed CX looks like in real life

The customer calls in to request for a termination of a service. After being directed to the billing department, an agent informs her that they will send her an email for the request.

When she receives an email from the billing department, she is asked to forward the termination request to customer service (Email address is provided for her action).

The customer does as she is told and forwards the email to customer service to acknowledge the termination of service. Then, an email is received from customer service indicating that the case is resolved, afterwhich, an email from sales is received indicating that the termination of service has been acknowledged.

Finally, another email is received from the billing department providing the invoice with termination indicated.

To put things in perspective, in a single day, the customer had:

  • 1 call, and
  • 6 emails

And all these communications routed the customer from the billing department to customer service, to sales, and back to billing.

It’s easy to imagine the customer getting frustrated with so many interactions for a single issue.

The question is…

Could we make things easier on the customer with 1 call and 1 email?

Yes, it is definitely possible.

Not Sure How to Harness CX Best Practices?
<p>We’ll help you assess and improve your customer journeys for long-term business growth.</p>

But a business must first recognise two critical points:

1. Most, if not all customers desire a simple, frictionless customer experience

No customer would want to go through the extra step to fix a problem, or to repeat things already communicated.

One of the best kind of experiences is one in which agents can meet their needs or solve their problem effortlessly.

2. Technology should make things more convenient and not the other way round

One of the key reasons for disjointed and frustrating customer experiences (CX) is the lack of integration between customer support systems.

As technology advances, companies often expand their channel support in a piecemeal manner. While each new support system may add specific capabilities, it also introduces additional complexity to business operations.

Despite the intentions of improving customer support, this fragmented approach frequently complicates the process for agents. Instead of streamlining operations, it often results in more obstacles for effectively resolving customer issues.

The end result?

The business unintentionally creates more hurdles in the path to resolving a customer’s concern.

Make it easy for customers at every point of the customer experience!

It sounds simple, but in reality, simple does not mean easy.

That’s because you need a few different pieces of the CX puzzle before you can fit them together in the first place. These include:

  • Auditing your CX against best practices,
  • Identifying gaps, and
  • A Process to continuously improve the customer journey

Not Sure How to Harness CX Best Practices?
<p>We’ll help you assess and improve your customer journeys for long-term business growth.</p>

Not sure how to make things easy for your customers?

We are here to guide you, ensuring your CX strategy is optimised for customer delight and business success.